World’s View on Kashmir Issue !

Well, this article is based on public opinion totally where we have incorporated their opinions on the recent critical situation in Indian Occupied Jammu & Kashmir. For this purpose we have grabbed some point of views of world to make an analysis of overall world’s view on Kashmir Issue.
Objective of World’s View on Kashmir Issue
Objective of this collective analysis is to determine the reality of situation in Kashmir, its sensitivity to this region and the key factors of Kashmir issue.
Methodology of World’s View on Kashmir Issue
So by considering this objective, we have included common people’s point of view through interview and social media. We have included coverage of international news channels of top ranking which are supposed to believed unbiased. Not only the views of common people, we also explored what the International Unions and Bodies are saying about this issue. We also dig out what actually the Kashmiri people want?
So have a look, what are the people talking about Kashmir Issue ?
Bodies on Kashmir
International Media on Kashmir
Conclusion – Kashmir Issue
After research of current affairs of IOK, we can say that majority of people are saying this act of Indian government is not according to international human rights. Most of the people resembled Modi with Hitler and condemned this act of human rights violation in Kashmir. Some Indians also have their opinion that this lock down and suppression is not in favor of India itself. While some Indian people (especially Hindu Extremists) are in favor of suppressing Kashmiri people.
Majority of the Jammu & Kashmir says they want freedom from India.
As for as International media is concerned, they have done a neutral reporting saying this is against the human rights to deadly lock down Kashmir and the people of Jammu Kashmir are living in severe shortage of food and without communication network. Indian army is arresting Kashmiri men and using heavily tear gas and water cannons.
United Nation Human Rights also said, “we are deeply concerned that the latest restrictions in Indian-Administered #Kashmir will exacerbate the human rights situation in the region.”
Whole World’s stance collectively is agreed to some extent that the situation in Indian Occupied Kashmir is tense and against the human rights.
Kashmir issue is internationally recognised dispute between India and Pakistan which must be resolved under the United Nation’s Resolutions.
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