Every businessman and sales man need to know how to increase sales ? All the businesses need some kind of profits. While the profits are only possible when someone buys your products or services. Now what will attract the customers to buy your product and services ? There are lot of factors that influence the customers to choose a certain product or service from given products or services.
So there is no defined line of circle in which customers must buy the products or services; instead it is like a cloud where probability of buying is significant and it varies in different circumstances.
But there are certain principles around which this sales cloud moves through. Extracting these principles, there are some basic and practical bullet points for you– How to increase sales ? — 26 most important tips to boost your sales.
1- Drive the company’s goal –

This is first step towards how to increase sales of your company. You must carry the company’s goal in your mind while performing any task in your company.
Driving the company’s goal is not only what company needs to do so, but it also plays an important role in achieving your own targets, which creates your strong professional footprints. Keep in mind, business is not an NGO– Non profit organization, it must has some monitory benefits.
2- Customer knowledge –

How to increase sales ?
Without understanding Who your customers are ? you can’t sell your products or services. Customer knowledge makes you confident in setting the direction where to go ? and how to go ? You must make plan accordingly to focus the target market and then target customers.
Customer knowledge is not only limited to just Who your customers are? – It is all about knowing the customer habits, moods, liking and disliking, and most importantly customer needs.
3- Understand the customers ‘ pain points –

How to increase sales ?
By customers’ pain points means what your customer actually needs to solve their problems.
So it’s very important to know the customer’s problems- what kind of difficulties your customer is facing and what are possible solutions you can provide?
Either you are the only one who can provide their solution in your selected niche or some other players are also there in market? If you are the only one, then it’s very good but if other players are also providing the same, then find another customers’ pain point and give them solution accordingly.
4- Provide exclusive features or offers –

How to increase sales ?
For boosting your sales, it’s very necessary element to share unique things- which your competition is not providing to customers. It makes your product or service strength by providing exclusive features and benefits to customers. Similarly exclusive offers also boost your sales exponentially, but it has short term benefits.
5- Emphasis on quality creation –

Your focus must be on quality products- how can you create more and more quality in existing products or new products before launching in the market ? Quality distinguishes your product or services from other competition like for example, iPhone vs android- which one is quality product? Definitely the answer is iPhone.
Why ? because Apple is providing its best quality to customers what they want. That’s why Apple fans queue up a day before new iPhone launch despite haze. So your emphasis must be on quality creation and innovation.
6- Create a Community or Forum –

How to increase sales ?
Creating a community or forum of your business is quite helpful to support your products or services to remain in. You can create your own forum, where everyone is free to share own experience or learn from others experiences.
For example, a forum of orthopedic surgeons, where online information is available and updated. People can get related information, can interact with community members and can also get appointment of Orthopedic surgeons.
7- Highlight effective members of the community –

How to increase sales ?
Sometimes your community has some active members which are loyal to your products or services. You must highlight those members because they are actually free ambassador of your brands.
8- Develop KOLs (Key Opinion Leaders) –

How to increase sales ?
You can also boost your sales by developing some key opinion leaders. Key opinion leaders are basically Influencer Brand Ambassador. They are figureheads like actors, actresses, models, politicians and journalists. People give value to: What they say? What they do & What they like?
9- Always Build Trust – (Promise Less, Deliver More) –

Have you ever thought about it: How trust is built? It’s quite simple to understand when you see most of successful businesses in the world. Like, for example, Apple fans blindly trust on Apple products, because Apple gives them what they want and it never fails to do so.
What is Apple doing? Promising less and delivering more. Never exaggerate your product’s features and benefits, it will destroy the trust level of your customers. Promising less delivering more will exceed the customer’s expectations and build a trust level.
10- Give priority to your clients –

How to increase sales ?
Your customer is “King”, so give priority to your customer. Generally businesses do not bother more, once the clients are captured, because they are in search for new clients now. But it is a matter of fact, if your existing clients are disturbed or not happy to use your product or services, then new clients will also suffer with this.
So always keep your journey of business in a way that every customer should feel happy to use your products or services. It’s only possible when you will give priority to your clients.
11- Be reliable brand –

This is very important tip, because sometimes we forget reliability. In every business, you must keep in your mind that your products or services must be reliable- consistently good in quality or performance.
It’s not the matter of once or two, it’s the matter of consistent performance along with the journey of business. For example, the secret of Coca Cola, it is reliable brand- with consistently same quality and taste.
12- Be practical and relevant –

How to increase sales ?
Don’t claim what you can’t provide, be practical and promise only what you can do easily. It’s also important to remain relevant- because if you don’t do so, you can’t capture your client. Like, for example, if a medical sales representative promised with client- a doctor, to provide a medical education tour on moon and only talks about politics or religion; imagine what will happen?
Medical education tour on moon is not practical and similarly discussions on politics or religion is not relevant to business. However in contrast to low context culture (U.S.A and European countries), high context culture like Japan, China, Pakistan, Turkey, India, and Gulf, discussion on area of interest makes a liaison with customer to start a business deal. But that doesn’t mean you should not come on your point. Successful businesses always remain practical and relevant.
13- Be Solution Provider –

If your products or services have some solutions for customers, then it’s very good. But if it’s not, then be the solution provider. Like, for example, google- it is best solution provider in searching the relevant information. If you know the problem of your customer, then give them solution- that will definitely boost your sales exponentially.
14- Address the customer’s concerns –

Don’t forget to address the customer’s concerns. Get feedback from maximum number of customers and then make a remedy plan to avoid those concerns in future, which majority of customers have mentioned in feedback.
15- Keep interaction seamless –

Your seamless interaction with customers makes your business live. When your interaction with customers is interrupted for some period of time, competition may take your place or customer forget your brand and switch to other brands.
16- Develop an emotional link –

How to increase sales ?
Many studies show that there is a major role of emotional selling in overall sales of companies in the world. Emotional selling boosts your customers and sales. If you have any emotional link of your product or services with your customers, catch it and market it. When you think about it, you will definitely get at least one emotional link.
17- Encourage information provided by the user –

How to increase sales ?
The companies that value the information provided by the user, grows too fast. This is because of the reason, company understands customers demand and that is what a businessman want to know. All the apps, (for example, Facebook, YouTube) use information of users and provide them related information what user want to see.
18- Use Technology for company Advantage –

How to increase sales ?
You must use, at least, available technology for the benefit of your company. Using unique, modern or advanced technology is quite amazing and it will pay back to your company more than your competition. You can’t compete in business if you ignore technology. Technology is proven beneficial in way that it increases efficiency- (ability to avoid wasting materials, energy, efforts, money, and time in doing something or in producing a desired result) and reliability.
19- Link Business with Social Networking Groups –

How to increase sales ?
Many businesses, including tangible and intangible businesses are using social media networks to build their fan club and cascade updated information and offers. Like, for example, on Facebook, Samsung has a group of over 161 millions people. Similarly Coca Cola has a group of over 107 millions people.
20- Display your business on Google Map –

How to increase sales ?
Displaying your business on google map not only facilitates people to find it, who use google map, but also makes SEO (search engine optimization) better. Than means whenever someone search it on google, it prefers to display on top.
21- Hold a Contest –

How to increase sales ?
New businesses of merchandising is, sometimes, seen holding a contest- in which contestants are chosen from customers on the basis of certain amount of shopping and then prizes are given to the winners. Similarly telecom companies are also holding contest to boost their sales. You can also boost your sales by holding a contest for your own products or services as it fits more suitable.
22- Create an exciting tour of the brand –

How to increase sales ?
Many companies both new and old, create exciting tours of their brands. For example, different consumer items, like Tea brands, shampoos, detergents, cooking oils, and several other brands are being promoted by tour of brands. In which several vehicles are used for promoting the brand which move around cities where mass population exists. By this way you can also boost your sales of your brands.
23- Set up activities (Organize Events –

How to increase sales ?
Activities basically engages people with the brands. Spending some good time with brand events, creates a good relationship and memory between customers and the company. It creates customer’s loyalty and affinity towards brand.
24- Engage through educational content –

How to increase sales ?
If you want to increase your customer pool, make an educational content to guide them- why this product or service is necessary? how it works? what are its benefits? If we see, for example, every Pharmaceutical company engages its customers- doctors through educational contents. Similarly a company of hand wash soaps, creates need by educating public- remain clean and germ free before and after meals.
25- Offer clients genuine worth (real value) –

Value proposition is OK, but now it’s more important that how much it value genuinely? Customer needs some real value products or services which genuinely have some worth. So give your customer a real value product or service if you really want to boost your sales.
26- Don’t Bad Mouth Your Competition –

Why don’t bad mouth your competition? Because your customer is not an idiot. Customer knows why you are doing so. It reflects your personality as well as your company culture. You can respectfully rebut your competition, highlighting your added or unique value proposition.
How to increase sales ?
Summing up; Every ethical way to boost your sales, is necessary but it is not necessary to use all these points at a time in all the businesses, but certain points at certain circumstances are very useful and you can follow the most relevant tips for your business.
How to deal with customer complaints? | 10 steps to handle angry customer.

👩🏫 How can I get better at sales?
You can get better at sales by following the general principles of sales with full devotion.
👩🏫 How can I be more confident in sales?
You will be more confident when you have selling skills. It develops by continuous efforts- when you analyze yourself and improve your gaps.
👩🏫 What makes a salesperson successful?
It’s the salesperson, who makes himself/herself a successful, when he/she finds the right way and enhance his/her selling strengths- implements in the field of business to achieve big goals.
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