Anti-Aging Vegetables
Everyone would like to look still younger and younger as he or she is now, but what to use and what to eat for that ? Another problem, now a days one might suffer, is misleading information on internet. Here we have collected data from FDA and USDA, the authentic sources for providing nutritional value of vegetables, to bring Top 10 Anti-Aging Vegetables.
We eat vegetables and other foods usually not knowing what this food actually providing nutrition to us. Well eating on random basis and not focusing what our body requires for looking young and fresh, is just like a shot in the dark.
If you want to look incredibly young without using medicine, then adapt your dietary habits focused and eat these Top 10 Anti-Aging Vegetables.
1- Broccoli

Broccoli contains sufficient amount of anti-aging elements in its composition. For example one medium stalk of Broccoli contains 220% DV (Daily Value) of Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid), a strong Anti-Oxidant. Vitamin C protects from oxidative damage and cell’s wear and tear damage. It also keeps skin protected from harmful effects of UV light.
Vitamin C induces the formation of collagen, an agent which is beneficial for making skin Chunky (fill the spaces in skin and thus tighten the skin).
Broccoli also contains Vitamin A which is also healthful to skin and make you look young. Vitamin A stimulates production and growth of cells especially Fibroblasts which tighten the skin texture.
2- Bell Pepper

One medium Bell Pepper (Sweet Pepper) is loaded with 190% DV of Vitamin C (Anti-Oxidant). It also contains various Carotenoids, a form of Vitamin A. Deficiency of Vitamin A could lead to pigmentation problems, UV light damage, aging and skin cancer. Eating Belle Pepper in our regular diet helps to keep our Skin Younger and Fresh.
3- Sweet Potato

Sweet Potato is loaded with Vitamin A. One medium Sweet Potato contains Vitamin A about 120% of Daily Value. It also contains Vitamin C 30% of Daily Value. Both agents are as discussed before are healthy for skin and reduce the aging process of skin.
4- Carrots

Carrots are one of the top 10 anti-aging vegetables. Carrots are stacked with numerous Vitamins and Minerals that are really amazing game changer for your skin health and aging process.
One carrot 7” long contains 110% DV of Vitamin A and 10% DV of Vitamin C. It also contains Vitamin E and K. Vitamin E is a powerful Anti-Oxidant which makes the skin healthy and protects from Oxidative Damage. Vitamin K helps to reduce dryness and broken skin capillaries.
5- Cauliflower

Cauliflower is one of the most eatable vegetables which is rich with numerous vitamins and minerals which makes it a good anti-aging vegetable. It is packed with Vitamin C, a strong Anti-Oxidant. One medium stak (99g) contains Vitamin C 100% of Daily Values. Cauliflower also contains Biotin which is healthful to skin and reduce the aging of skin. Cauliflower also contains Sulforaphane which is effective to reduce cell damage, inflammation and protects from UV light damage.
6- Parsley

Parsley contains plentiful Vitamins and Minerals which have important role in skin health. About 28g Parsley contains Vitamin A 108% of Reference Daily Intake (RDI), Vitamin C: 53% and Vitamin K: 547% of RDI which are all essential elements in keeping Skin Younger.
7- Leaf Lettuce

Leaf lettuce is one of the commonly used green leafy vegetables. Leaf lettuce contains bunch of Vitamins especially Vitamin A.
Fresh Leaf Lettuce 1.5 cup shredded (85g) contains 130% DV of Vitamin A which keeps skin developed because of its property to produce fibroblasts.
It also contains Vitamin C which is powerful Anti-Oxidant. That’s why it has good anti-aging properties. Using Leaf Lettuce in daily diet provides your skin sufficient nutrition to keep it growing and younger.
8- Green Cabbage

Green Cabbage is unbelievably rich with vitamins and minerals, including strong anti-oxidant Vitamin C which makes it a powerful anti-aging vegetable. 84g of Green Cabbage contains about 70% DV of Vitamin C.
It also contains Vitamin K which keeps skin texture smooth and repair the damage. Eat Green Cabbage frequently and look younger.
9- Soybeans

Soybeans are nutritious vegetables with strong anti-aging properties.
It contains Vitamin K, Vitamin E, Vitamin C and Vitamin A. All the agents are supporting to skin health and keep it fresh. These elements ultimately contribute towards Anti-Aging properties.
10- Nuts

Nuts are good anti-aging vegetables because they are extremely rich with many Vitamin and Minerals. The Nuts also contain Selenium which makes Anti-Oxidant enzymes which play an important role in cell damage.
Nuts also contains Vitamin E which is powerful Anti-Oxidant and keep your skin young.
Top 10 Anti-Aging Vegetables
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