Best “Heart Healthy Diet” you must know to avoid cardiac risk

Heart healthy diet is necessary when you perceptualize a modern living style where everything is under your finger’s control.
Why we need Heart Healthy Diet ?
Starting from Radio, Television, and lights humans are using remote control in almost all home appliances. Not only home appliances but also in Industries and Travelling we use automated machines which are under our finger’s control. That makes a sedentary life style and most of the people are used to it without going through proper cardio exercises in routine.
What is a Heart Healthy Diet ?
All that we eat which is safer and not harmful for heart health and gives potential benefits to it’s working and maintenance, may termed as Heart Healthy Diet.
Heart Healthy Diet List:
1- Leafy Vegetables and Fruits
Leafy green vegetables and fruits are most nutritious for our body especially the heart. What you have to do is make habit of eating variety of fruits and vegetables whenever you eat.
Add some sorts of fruits (other than Canned fruit packed in heavy syrup) or leafy vegetables (you may add these as salads with other foods) in your heart healthy foods list.
Heart Heathy Diet : Vegetables and Fruits
You should eat more of the following and replace high fat foods with them:
- Fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables
- Canned fruit packed in juice or water
- Canned vegetables with low salt
Added sugar and salt is not healthy for your heart so avoid those foods which contains added sugars or table salt.
Why sugar is Bad for Heart ?
Sugar may affect your heart by;
- Increasing the likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes, which in turn increases the risk of heart disease and stroke.
- Too much sugar may raise blood pressure and increases chronic inflammation.
- Spiking the Blood sugar (and therefore insulin) levels, increases the risk of obesity and heart disease
Why Slat is bad for the heart ?
Added Slat causes rise in blood pressure and put burden on heart which affects cardiac functions.
2- The Whole Grains
Whole grains are rich sources of dietary fiber that we all need. Most of the refined grains contain little or no fiber. Dietary fiber may help improve our blood cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, obesity and even type 2 diabetes.
In addition Whole grains also contains other nutrients which are necessary to regulate blood pressure.
If you are eating refined grains replace it with whole grains and trust me it will be incredibly beneficial for your heart.
Heart Heathy Diet : Whole Grains
What you have to do is add following whole grains in your heart healthy foods list.
- Whole wheat flour
- High fiber cereal
- Whole grain brown rice
- Oatmeal
- Whole grain Barley
- Buckwheat
- Whole-grain pasta
3- Skinless Poultry and Fish
The American Heart Association recommends that you eat 2 servings of fish per week (especially fatty fish). You may eat a meal of 3.5 ounces fried, or around 3⁄4 cup of flaked cod. Fatty fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, mackerel, herring, lake trout, sardines and albacore tuna [1].
Top diet for heart protection is high in omega-3s. Omega-3s are healthy fats that may reduce the risk of heart rhythm disorders and lower blood pressure.
They can also lower triglycerides and reduce inflammation. The American Heart Association suggests two servings of salmon or other oily fish a week.
4- Low fat dairy products
You must try fat free (skim) and low fat (1%) dairy products. Limiting your saturated and trans fats is a key step in reducing your blood cholesterol and which in turn reduces the risk of coronary artery disease.
A high levels of blood cholesterol can lead to an increase in atherosclerosis plaques in your blood arteries that may increase your risk of heart attack and stroke.
5- Nuts and legumes
For the heart, nuts and legumes are good diets. Add unsalted nuts and legumes on a daily basis to your diet.
Nuts, mainly peanuts and walnuts, have been shown to reduce the CVD morbidity and mortality in several large prospective cohort studies [2,3].
Soybeans are cholesterol-free legumes that are low in saturated fat, and are the only vegetable food that contains all eight essential amino acids. A decent source of carbohydrate, iron, calcium, zinc, and B vitamins are also soybeans [4].
Dried beans and lentils are rich in nutrition, B vitamins, minerals, garbanzo, pinto, kidney or black beans.
For more details you can read this article:
Recommended healthy diets for the heart, you must know to avoid any risk!

1– The American Heart Association
2– Guasch-Ferré M., Liu X., Malik V.S., Sun Q., Willett W.C., Manson J.E., Rexrode K.M., Li Y., Hu F.B., Bhupathiraju S.N. Nut Consumption and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease. J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. 2017;70:2519–2532. doi: 10.1016/j.jacc.2017.09.035. [PMC free article] [PubMed] [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
3– Aune D., Keum N., Giovannucci E., Fadnes L.T., Boffetta P., Greenwood D.C., Tonstad S., Vatten L.J., Riboli E., Norat T. Nut consumption and risk of cardiovascular disease, total cancer, all-cause and cause-specific mortality: A systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of prospective studies. BMC Med. 2016;14:207. doi: 10.1186/s12916-016-0730-3. [PMC free article] [PubMed] [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
4– Kristen S., Montgomery J. Soy protein. Perinat. Educ. 2003;12:42–45. [PMC free article] [PubMed] [Google Scholar]