
1917 Movie (2019) Hollywood Blockbuster

1917 Movie
December 25, 2019

The story of 1917 movie is based on World War-I. During the First World War, British Government gave an impossible mission to two soldiers. These two young soldiers were very brave so that is why this mission was given to them. George MacKay and Dean-Charles Chapman are playing role of these brave soldiers. where George MacKay is acting as Schofield and Dean-Charles Chapman is acting as Blake.

Main theme of the story is as stated: British army’s second battalion was moving in enemy’s territory. Blake’s own brother was moving along with second battalion. British army came to know that second battalion is walking in a trap and enemy will attack on tomorrow. The mission was to diver a message to a second battalion before the morning’s attack. If they fail to deliver the message, they would lose 1600 men including Blake’s own brother.

Director of 1917 Movie

Sam Mendes 1917 movie
Sam Mendes

The movie is directed by Sam Mendes, the director of “Sky Fall”. While producers of this film are Sam Mendes, Pippa Harris, Jayne-Ann Tenggren, Callum McDougall and Brian Oliver. Story writers of 1917 are Sam Mendes and Krysty Wilson-Cairns. Alfred Mendes was the grandfather of Sam Mendes who told the story. Production companies are DreamWorks Pictures, Reliance Entertainment, Neal Street Productions, Amblin Partners and New Republic Pictures. While the distribution company is Universal Pictures. The expected date of release is December 25, 2019.

1917 Movie Star cast

George MacKay is playing role as Schofield.

George MacKay 1917 Movie
George MacKay

Dean-Charles Chapman is playing role of Blake.

Dean-Charles Chapman 1917 movie
Dean-Charles Chapman

Mark Strong

Mark Strong 1917 movie
Mark Strong

Andrew Scott is playing role as Lieutenant Leslie.

Andrew Scott
Andrew Scott

Richard Madden playing role as Lieutenant Blake

Richard Madden 1917 movie
Richard Madden

Claire Duburcq

Claire Duburcq
Claire Duburcq

Colin Firth

Colin Firth
Colin Firth

Benedict Cumberbatch

Benedict Cumberbatch 1917 movie
Benedict Cumberbatch

1917 Movie Official Trailer

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Dilshad Zaman

Doctor of Pharmacy and Master in Business Administration. He loves to write articles on various topics.

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