medusa piercing

What is Medusa Piercing?

A type of facial piercing that affects the area above the upper lip and below the nasal septum.

 Sitting on your Cupid’s bow, it looks really attractive, alluring and very sexy.

  As with philtrum piercings, they are also called philtrum piercings by medical professionals.

 Since everything comes at a price to get these beautiful piercings, there may be some side effects as well. Since it affects the oral cavity, there is a risk of infection.

 Additionally, it is present in sensitive areas where food is eaten on a daily basis, increasing the risk of infection.

  How much pain does it cause? (Medusa’s piercing pain)

 There is no scale to measure pain, but I would say it hurts more than a normal ear lobe piercing.

 Medusa piercings are considered one of the most painful piercings of all time. However, the pain is different for each person. 

 Some have high capacity; some have low capacity.

 However, it is more painful than other piercings such as ear and nose piercings, so be careful.

 This is due to the presence of an excessive number of nerve endings in this area.

 This makes them more sensitive and also causes extra pain. Additionally, additional healing time is required.

  Where did the Medusa earrings get their name from? (The myth of Medusa) 

 To be honest, the name of this piercing has no clear background.

 However, there is the myth of Medusa, which may be related.

 In the temple of another goddess Athena, there was a beautiful Medusa girl who was raped by the sea god Poseidon. This humiliation of the temple infuriated her.

 As a result, she cursed Medusa.

 Instead of her hair, a snake came out of her head.

 Medusa’s gaze became a deadly gaze that petrified all living things.

 Since then, Medusa has been seen as a symbol of female power. This may be related to the Medusa piercing, as it could be a sign of female power. 

 It is picked by females and involves considerable pain.

 Therefore, if a woman has it, it definitely means she is a strong woman

How long does it take to heal?

 Just like the intensity of the pain, the time it takes to heal varies from person to person.

  Some are more healing than others.

 However, most people estimate that with proper care, it will take him around 3 months for the wound to heal.

 This takes a relatively long time, but this is due to oral cavity involvement, which can contain many bacteria. wound healing care

 After being pierced with Cupid’s bow, the wound should be properly cared for to prevent infection.

  This general care includes:

  • avoid eating food that is too hot
  • avoid spicy and salty foods
  • Clean the wound daily with disposable cotton swabs
  • Do not turn over and remove scratches
  • avoid touching the piercing
  • Rinse mouth with mouthwash after each meal

 What side effects can you expect?

Some side effects are seen after Medusa piercing.

 Some common side effects are:

  • Redness
  • pain
  • discharge of blood or pus 
  • skin around piercing
  • discoloration
  • heat

 These are common side effects that can occur after piercings if proper care is not taken.

Where did the Medusa piercing get their name from?

To be honest, the name of this piercing has no clear background.However, there is the myth of Medusa, which may be related.

In the temple of another goddess Athena, there was a beautiful Medusa girl who was raped by the sea god Poseidon.

This humiliation of her temple infuriated her. As a result, she cursed Medusa.

Instead of her hair, a snake came out of her head.

Medusa’s gaze became a deadly gaze that petrified all living things.

Since then, Medusa has been seen as a symbol of female power.

This may be related to the Medusa piercing, as it could be a sign of female power.

It is picked by females and involves considerable pain.

Therefore, if a woman has one, it definitely means she is a strong woman.

Medusa Piercing Scar Healing

If I decide to remove this piercing, will it leave a scar? If so, how much will it be visible or how big will it be?A piercing will definitely leave a mark.

While being cut and punched in the body. But Medusa earrings have only one hole, not a big one.

The wound is small only at the pierced part. A small brownish scar is usually seen after a Medusa piercing.

However, scar size depends on many factors, including: B. Size of measuring device.

Wound care is also important. With proper care and infection control, scars will become smaller and less noticeable over the course of a year or two.

But here again subjective factors come into play.The degree of injury varies from person to person.

Some people’s skin is so immune that scars disappear even after 6 months. Other skins, however, can leave a lifelong scar on your face.


Medusa piercings can be considered one of the best piercings ever as they enhance your beauty.

Not only does she make her face look beautiful, she also symbolizes a strong woman.

But before you do this piercing, you should consider some of its major side effects.

First, make sure the artist you’re getting it from is well trained.

Second, take proper care of the wound and avoid eating spicy or salty foods.

Drink plenty of water and rinse your mouth with mouthwash after eating.

If you experience any side effects, seek immediate medical attention to avoid spreading infection.
