Your privacy is very important to us. Accordingly, we have developed this Policy in order for you to understand how TheFakePost uses your data.
TheFakePost itself does not collect any kind of personal information or any other typed information while generating your custom posts or chats. But TheFakePost can collect visitor/users data(IP) to keep platform safe from ill bodies.
TheFakePost also uses cookies to keep whole platform safe and track each visitor and its behavior.
TheFakePost is using some 3rd party script including Google Analytic, Google Adsense & PixFuture which may be collecting each visitor necessory information for their own purpose.
Visitor of TheFakePost also fall under privacy policy of 'Google.
All of generated custom posts and chat will be automatically deleted after 15 days from the date of creation on But TheFakePost can delete any generated image at ANY time for ANY user. Users of TheFakePost can delete all of its own generated posts and
chats any time by visiting his profile page. All of your generated custom posts and chats will be public and anyone can access them from any device if he/they
has link to your generated posts/chat. TheFakePost does not allow any search engine & crawler to crawl all generated posts/chats so it means your generated posts/chat will not get automatically
crawlled to search engines. Still anyone who has link to generate posts/chat can share that link to anywhere including social media and TheFakePost will be no responsible. TheFakePost prohibit to share
anyone else created posts/chats without the permission of the owner of posts/chats creator.
No one is allowed to generate fake posts and false news otherwise TheFakePost can take action according
to law. TheFakePost is a platform for only educational purpose and to spread smiles by generating simulated posts/chats.
TheFakePost can update its policies at any time without any sending notifications to you.