Generate Fake Instagram Post - Instagram Post Generator
Generate Instagram Post with comments, add content, images and comments and save it as png/jpg or directly share on social media. This Insta post simulator is only for educational purpose to mimic Instagram posts for learning (digital marketing) and students. Use our Online Best Instagram Post Generator (web based instagram post mockup) to create as many posts as you want for free. Upload profile picture, add content and generate post as you like with Generate Instagram Post tool and generate dummy content.
How to generate free instagram post?
Below you will see two panels
Left side panel is for you to customise you instagram post Right side panel is the preview of your generate fake post In left side panel you can type your desired receiver name.
- You can change left side panel to instagram Post Editing and instagram post comments
- Below you will find instagram post Description,Likes and instagram Edit Post Date
- You can upload your desired profile picture for receiver
- You can add desired text along picture in the message to generate insta post
You can also add emoji in your messages And lastly, under the preview panel you can see “SAVE POST” button to generate instagram post. Click on it and generate fake insta post. It will take couple of seconds and you will see download button and social buttons. Download the instagram fake post in the form of a PNG image or save it directly on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter,etc., platforms.
One button will share the post to your profile directly other will save and download your post as an image on your computer(offline).
Note: Make the Instagram post mockup like you want then click on "Save" button to save your generated Instagram post). After few seconds two more buttons will show up under the "save" button. (Picture uploading can take some time so be patient and wait for the share buttons to appear under save button for few minutes, to save content in clouds. Best fictional instagram post maker Tool for school, teachers and student.
One button will share the post to your profile directly other will save and download your post as an image on your computer. If you need more help then please visit our tutorial
generate Instagram post with older version?

Lahore, PK

How to generate fake instagram post on mobile
You want to generate fake insta post on mobile?
There are two method to generate custom post. You can edit each text by clicking on pencil icon, Modal will open and you can write desired text to build custom instagram post. Another option to make custom instagram post is clicking on side icon ().
Click on side icon (), modal will open and you will be able to see detailed option in this modal, You can make any changes in modal and post will be ready for you. Here you can customize each thing according to your requirement , and you can easily create post and prank with friend and family
You want to create custom instagram post from side icon ()?
Clicking on side icon () you will be able to see modal. Here you can see you can select profile image to make custom fake post. You will see lot of option as you can upload desired post image
You can add desired likes,comments and shares in instagram post. You can select option for visible header , you can make custom instagram post for both. You can customize post time,description,reaction and account verification
You want to generate insta post from side icon ()?
In modal,you can see 2nd tab Comments by click on this tab you will be able to upload comment profile image and user name to make post from free instagram post maker
You can add custom fake Instagram comment from instagram comment generator.If you want to again see post view you can again click on side icon () , Now modal will be disapear and you can now click on save button and ready to download custom instagram post
Social Media has become the most popular medium of communication now. It has provided every person with freedom of speech and the ultimate liberty to express themselves. It is a platform that connects a layman with a celebrity, a supporter to a political leader, and has become the voice of the miserable. But the question here is, what benefits can you gather from social media or how can you utilize it for useful purposes.
People use fake instagram post generator for entertainment purpose
In terms of Entertainment, instagram post mockup is one of thing these days that people are using for entertainment throughout the whole world. There is an enormous increase in the demand for mobile phones has been seen just because of social media. Everyone is into his mobile phone reading content for entertainment and fun purpose. Instagram is widely used in social media, and people get entertainment from instagram post. People generate custom post by using instagram post maker. You can share these posts with your friends and family and can prank!. Dizwa provides you great ideas for Generating instagram posts for fun & entertainment.
Advertisement and Marketing through instagram mockup generator
Social Media is the only place where you can find almost everyone in this world. That makes it the number one place for advertisement and marketing for all brands and companies.Instagram is also used for advertisement and marketing. Build custom fake mockup by using instagram fake post creator, the best method for the advertisement of your brand and running paid ads. You can generate your instagram post of some celebrity and can encourage your products and brands by using generate instagram fake post.
Use free instagram post maker for networking
When you want to reach the large audience the most important thing that a business owner can do is networking. Instagram post is one of the most popular medium of social networking. You can connect with various types of people and get in touch with some like-minded people. By creating instagram post simulator businesses are growing to an enormous size with the help of social media by just doing networking. By using this insta mockup generator, you can collaborate with people belonging to different fields and this collaboration can prove beneficial for your business.
Enhance comunication skills through instagram post maker
One of the most popular aim of using instagram post generator is to educate people how to communicate through social media and how can you improve skills of communication. Especially in Schools & college Instagram post simulatoris widley used.
Use instagram mockup generator with comments for Schools
Teachers can create fictional Instagram Posts. Students could be asked by teachers;- What are the most important people in this post?
- What was their most important moment within the post?
- What particular keywords would they use within their comment?
- What hashtag could they maybe use at the end of the message ?
Learning digital content marketing is never easy. Choosing right sentences along right images needs practice. So you can not afford to do this practice and learn by posting actucal content on social media and spend money on advertisement. Digital content marketing has been never easy. A decade ago, this term was not in discussion. But as of today its very common and without digital content marketing, any business can survive. So marketing department need to move to digital platforms. But to train their staff they can not put them in real environment by investing money on advertisement. So Dizwa provides social media simulators, which you can use to train your staff and students by creating marketing content without actually positing on social media. We have developed a very easy and fast Instagram post simulator. Which you can use and make best marketing posts to bring smiles and bag some gags.
. Upload profile picture , Make a screen-shot as you like with our tool and astonish your friends. Use our Instagram Post Generator Online & Simulator and generate marketing content. Its easy to use and very simple, but having latest Instagram layout and design as well as icons and buttons. You can also generate Instagram comments by our Instagram comments generator.
Already know how to use? Lets use Online Instagram Post Generator Tool …
How to generate instagram post?
Using our Instagram post generator online, Make the post like you want then click on “Save” button to save your generated Instagram post).After some time two more buttons will show up under the “save” button.(Picture uploading can take some time so be patient and wait for the share buttons to appear under save button for some time
One button will share the post to your profile directly other will save and download your status/post as an image on your computer.
This generator is not the slightest bit related with Instagram. All graphical material is ensured by the copyright proprietor. May just be utilized for individual use.
What is simulator?
A program/website one that simulates; especially : that enables the operator to reproduce or represent under test conditions phenomena likely to original. A simulation is the re-creation of a real world process in a controlled environment. According to Wikipedia A simulation is an approximate imitation of the operation of a process or system; that represents its operation over time.